warm winter drive 2020

Please donate to help in giving 300 winter packs to the austin homeless population! Read more below about the project and why it’s needed.

Please venmo @SalaamFoundation or use the donorbox below to donate through credit card! Every penny counts and is tax-deductible!

All contributions are tax-deductible, and are made to Mercy, a 501 (c)(3) organization and our fiscal sponsor, so charges to your credit card will be made to mercy but will be used for this project!

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With the expansion of Hygiene Kits (masks & hand sanitizer), Female Hygiene items, and a winter clothes (socks, gloves, beanie), our goal is to raise enough for 300 people to receive these essentials for the winter! These items will be packed and distributed by our volunteers in Austin on December 13th, 2020.

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Working with local Austin organizations, we’re funding, organizing, and collaborating the packing of 300 winter packages for the local Austin homeless population. Started by Usama Malik 5 years ago, this project started off as a classic blanket fundraiser for the homeless. With a little Salaam Sauce, we’ve brought in Humanity First and Austin’s Bright Future to expand the project into a full fledged Warm Winter Drive by including other items along with the blankets.

Come volunteer with us as we organize, pack, and distribute supplies throughout central Austin! Packing will start at 11 AM and distribution will start at 12:30 AM! Meet at Pease District Park to help us with this amazing project while we observe social distancing protocols and provide PPE for our awesome volunteers!